High Intensity Neutrino Oscillation Facilities in Europe
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منابع مشابه
The EUROnu Project: A High Intensity Neutrino Oscillation Facility in Europe
EUROnu is a European Commission funded FP7 Design Study investigating three possible options for a future high intensity neutrino oscillation facility in Europe. These options are a CERN to Fréjus Super-Beam, a Neutrino Factory and a Beta Beam. The aims of the project are to undertake the crucial R&D on each of the accelerator facilities and determine their performance and relative cost, includ...
متن کاملFuture Neutrino Oscillation Facilities
The European Commission FP7 Design Study called EUROnu is undertaking R&D on the most critical components of three possible candidates for a future, high intensity neutrino oscillation facility that could be built in Europe. These are a low energy neutrino Superbeam from CERN to the Fréjus tunnel in France, a Neutrino Factory and a Beta Beam based on 8 Li and 8 B ions. The study is following th...
متن کاملThe EUROnu Study for Future High Power Neutrino Oscillation Facilities
The EUROnu project was a 4 year FP7 design study to investigate and compare three possible options for future, high power neutrino oscillation facilities in Europe. These three facilities are a Neutrino Factory, a neutrino superbeam from CERN to the Frejus Laboratory and a socalled Beta Beam. The study was completed at the end of 2012 and has produced conceptual designs for the facilities and p...
متن کاملMeasurement of three-family neutrino mixing and search for CP violation
The measurements of the parameters of the neutrino mixing matrix in the present and future neutrino oscillation experiments at accelerators are presented. The perspectives for high intensity new neutrino facilities as SuperBeams, BetaBeams and Neutrino Factories devoted to precise measurements subleading numu to nue oscillation parameters at the atmospheric scale are discussed. Emphasis is on t...
متن کاملFuture Neutrino Oscillation Facilities
An outline of the present and future long-baseline neutrino facilities with emphasis on the possibilities at CERN is presented. Accelerator-made neutrinos for long-baseline oscillation experiments open the exploration to a broad and rather interesting field of physics experiments, with the measurement of the neutrino mixing angle (θ13), the determination of the sign of neutrino mass hierarchy (...
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